Scientific Presentations ( 2011 - 2015 )
Combining Targeted Therapy with a NextGen immunotherapy: Crazy Idea or Opportunity to Convert CRs into Cures?
Ignyta, San Diego, CA, December 14, 2015
Developing Cancer Immunotherapy Strategies that Change the Tumor Microenvironment and Eliminate Cancer
Melanoma Bridge Meeting
Napoli, Italy - December 3rd 2015
Multispectral Imaging and Escape from Immune-Editing: A Story About Problem Relationships and Novel Intervention
Society for Melanoma Research Meeting
San Francisco, CA - November 17, 2015
Preliminary Analysis of Immune Responses in Patients Enrolled in a Phase II Trial of Cyclophosphamide with Allogenic DRibble Vaccine Alone (DPV-001) or with GM-CSF or Imiquimod for Adjuvant Treatment of Stage IIIa or IIIb NSCLC
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting, Poster presented by: Rachel Sanborn, MD National Harbor, MD - Nov. 5-8, 2015
Autophagosome and Peptide Vaccines; & Potential Vaccine: Vaccine and Vaccine-other Combinations
Immunotherapy Conference
Hoeboken, NJ - October 23, 2015
UbiVac's Drug Development Strategy
Oregon BioScience Association Cancer Immunotherapy BioForum
Portland, OR - October 20, 2015
Immune Biomarkers
2015 China Cancer Immunotherapy Workshop China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange Beijing, China - June 23, 2015
DRibble Immunotherapy for NSCLC
Lung Cancer Research Team (LCRT)
Chicago, IL, May 29, 2015
UbiVac's Immuno-Oncology Pipeline
Sachs International Immuno-Oncology Forum
Chicago, IL - May 29, 2015
Integrating NGS, Immunoprofiling and Microbiome Analysis to Stratify Patients for Clinical Trials and Ultimately Tailor Immunotherapy for Patients with Cancer
Annual Oncology Symposium: Personalized Medicine, Swedish Medical Center
Seattle, WA - May 8, 2015
The Transformation of Oncology: A strategic Review of Immunoscore and Immunotherapy
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan - April 22, 2015
Strategic Considerations for Advancing Patient Outcomes with Immuno-Oncology: Role for Vaccines
St. Johns Medical Center: John Wayne Cancer Institute, Grand Rounds
Santa Monica, CA, February 25, 2015
The Immunoscore and Immunoprofile: Assessing Anti-Cancer Immunity as a Biomarker to Stratify Patients and Tailor Therapy
Trial Design Focus: Biomarkers to Predict Patient Responses to Immunotherapy, NRG Oncology Semiannual Meeting
San Diego, California - February 5 - 8, 2015
Transformation of Oncology
Schafer Memorial Lecture, Georgetown University Cancer Center
Washington, DC - December 5, 2014
Co-stimulatory/Inflammatory Agonists, CD137, TLR3/7/8 Agonists and Anti-OX40-vaccine Combinations
HNSCC Clinical Trials Planning Meeting (CTPM), NCI, NIH,
Bethesda, MD - November 9-10, 2014
Strategic Considerations for Immuno-Oncology Companies: Role for Vaccines Nodality
South San Francisco, CA, October 6, 2014
Cancer Immunotherapy: Scientific Breakthrough of 2013
National Institute of Biological Sciences
Beijing, China - September 22, 2014
The Transformation of Oncology: A Strategic View of Immunoscore and Immunotherapy
CSCO, SITC-CAHON-US CACA-CSCO Fourth Joint Symposium, International Track
Xiamen, China - September, 2014
Cancer Immunotherapy: Scientific Breakthrough of 2013
Notre Dame: Harper Cancer Institute
South Bend, IN, September 5, 2014
Autophagosome-Based Cancer Immunotherapy: DRibbles
Professorship Symposium for Tanja DeGruijl, The Free University, Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands - June 18, 2014
Transforming the Practice of Oncology
Keynote Address: Annual meeting of the American Academy of Caranial and Maxofacial Surgeons Portland, OR - May 30, 2014
Immunoscore: Immunotherapy at a Tipping Point
Tumor Immunotherapy Meets Oncology (TIMO), German Society for Immunology subgroup Meeting Halle, Germany - May 22, 2014
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
San Diego, CA - April 4, 2014
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
Wayne State University, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Cancer Center Grand Rounds
Detroit, MI - April 1, 2014
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
Oregon Health & Science University, School of Medicine Seminar Series
Portland, OR - January 27, 2014
Developing an Immunotherapy Strategy for the Effective Treatment of Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting, Poster presented by: Tarsem Moudgil
National Harbor, MD, Nov. 7-10, 2013
Novel Strategy to Monitor Apparent Tumor-specific T Cells in Patients with Cancer
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting Poster presented by: Rieneke van de Ven, PhD National Harbor, MD - Nov. 7-10, 2013
Cytomegalovirus containing TRP2 Antigen Provides Protective Immunity Against the Poorly Immunogenic B16BL6-D5 Melanoma
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting, Poster presented by: Michael Neuberger, MD, National Harbor, MD - Nov. 7-10, 2013
The Transformation of Oncology: A strategic View of Immunoscore and Immunotherapy
Johnson & Johnson
Springhouse, PA - November 3, 2013
A Novel Autophagosome Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Vaccine Contains Short-lived Proteins, Defective Ribosomal Products, at Least Nine NCI-prioritized Antigens and Ligands for TLR 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9
World Lung Conference, Presented by: Helen J. Ross, MD
Sydney, Australia, - October 27-30, 2013
The Transformation of Oncology: A Strategic View of Immunoscore, Immunotherapy and the Next Decade
Knight Cancer Institute Retreat - The Resort at the Mountain
Welches, OR - October 17, 2013
UbiVac: A Clinical Stage Immunotherapy Company
Oregon Bioscience Association Annual Meeting
Lake Oswego, OR - September 18, 2013
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
Carbone Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin: Cancer Center Grand Rounds
Madison, WI - June 1, 2013
Tumor Autophagosome-Based Cancer Vaccine Combination Immunotherapy Provides Therapeutic Immunity Against Established Breast Cancer
Tumor Vaccine and Cell Therapy Working Group, Cancer Center, University of Hawaii Medical School, Honolulu, HI - May 2, 2013
Generating and Augmenting Therapeutic Anti-Cancer Immunity
Agonox Maui Conference, Mackenna Resort
Maui, HI - May 1, 2013
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
Moffitt Cancer Center: Cancer Center Grand Rounds
Tampa, FL - April 11, 2013
Immunoscore and Autophagy: Transforming the Practice of Oncology
Center for Biologics Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Bethesda, MD - March 7, 2013
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Lecture
Pittsburgh, PA - February 5th, 2013.
Vaccine Strategy Targeting Antigens Expressed by Tumors in their Microenvironment Melanoma Bridge Meeting
Naples, Italy - December 2nd-4th, 2012
Lung Cancer Immunobiology and Immunoscore: A New Classification System for Cancer?
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine Educational Conference on NSCLC
Scottsdale, AZ - November 16-17, 2012
Immunoscore and Cancer Vaccines
Penzberg, Germany - June 28th, 2012
Cancer Vaccines 2012
Nanjing Pharmaceutical Conference
Nanjing, China - June 19th, 2012
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
Tumor Vaccine and Cell Therapy Working Group - Loyola University Medical School
Chicago, IL - March 30th, 2012
Inflammation and Immune Signatures in Cancer: The Good, the Bad and the Challenge for Immunologists
Knight Cancer Institute Tumor Immunology Retreat, OHSU
Portland, OR - December 15, 2011
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer. New Perspectives in the Immunotherapy of Cancer
Siena, Italy - October 19-22, 2011
Challenges for Cancer Immunotherapy in 2011 and Strategies to Unravel Secrets of the Anticancer Immune Response
Fudan University
Shanghai, China - October 14, 2011
Exploiting Autophagy to Improve Immunotherapy of Cancer
The 12th Conference on Tumor Biotherapy, Chinese Society of Tumor Biotherapy
Jinan, China - October 8-10, 2011
Cancer Immunotherapy 2011: Current Status - Future Hurdles
Shandong University
Jinan, China - September 17, 2011
Cancer Immunotherapy 2011: Current Status - Future Hurdles
CSCO-SITC-CAHON Joint Symposium: The 14th CSCO Annual Meeting
Xiamen, China - September 14-16, 2011
Translating and Monitoring Combination Immunotherapy
Canadian Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium (CCIC)
Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada - April 8th, 2011